Having said that, the nature of Wine- originally designed to Windows apps working on Linux-means complexities will arise. Wineskin builds on existing open source technologies in an attempt to make the running Windows software without Windows simpler.

Depending on what you want to run, however, that's a lot of overkill – and certainly doesn't offer the performance of running the app in a Windows alone. For this reason alone many people set up virtual machines, running the entirety of Windows for the sake of a few apps. Whether it's an ancient version of Quicken you still use to keep track of finances or a game you still love from your PC-bound past, there are certain programs you simply cannot find for the Mac. Wineskin is a Mac app that brings Wine to your Mac, OS X style, allowing you to create custom packages including everything your favorite Windows programs need to run on your Mac (well. It will be a chore to do, but once you’re able to make the proper adjustments, Wineskin Winery runs like a breeze.Install Windows software on your Mac – without the need for a virtual machine, an emulator or dual-booting. It allows you to access Windows programs from the comfort of your macOS-compatible hardware however, booting programs on Winery can be hard if you’re not familiar with Apple’s advanced settings. Wineskin Winery is as difficult to navigate as it is useful. You can find other tips, hacks, and advice in the official Wineskin Winery forum. One thing to keep in mind is that instead of pressing the Alt key as you do in Windows, you'll need to press the Command key on your Mac's keyboard. You can now drop files on your new app and open them in the Windows app. Afterward, type in the specific drive that the Windows app will use when it needs to access your folders. You can do this by going to the Tools tab and select Config Utility. This includes giving your programs access to specific folders. There are dozens of more adjustments you can make, all of which can be found in the Advanced catalog. This will allow you to do a test run of the program and make sure everything is working. You can select it from the dropdown list then select Advanced from the menu. At times, it won't be able to find the program file so you have to choose the executable file yourself.
Wineskin Winery is full of advanced configurations and can be tricky to use.
Make sure to open the program using Ctrl+click instead of double-clicking it to able to install and run it properly. On Wineskin, select Create New Blank Wrapper button and the Windows program should appear in your Finder window. You can download the app’s EXE file to your Apple device or copy the whole folder with the program. An example of a program that can be wrapped is Notepad++. Both programs are brilliantly written but they’re not capable of running large-scale programs like office suites (you'll need Parallels or Fusion for that).
Wineskin Winery is based on Wine - an open-source project that creates Windows emulators for mac OS X and Linux.