This movie could also give you the chance to talk with your children about real-life issues like the lifelong consequences of breaking commitments. You could also reinforce the importance of strong female characters and role models. Values in The Angry Birds Movie 2 that you could reinforce with your children include teamwork, friendship and humility. These are the main messages from this movie: Also, we recommend parental guidance for children aged 5-7 years. Therefore, we don’t recommend it for children aged under five years. This movie has some adult concepts and a lot of slapstick violence. Today, you have many different Angry Birds games to choose from: Angry Birds 2. The Angry Birds Movie 2 is an animated comedy that will appeal to Angry Birds fans. Still, Angry Birds is one of the most popular computer games ever. The Angry Birds Movie 2 has some mild coarse language, including ‘oh poop’, ‘freaking’, ‘total loser’ and ‘oh my gosh’. Red and Silver share a bottle of cider.Characters drink in a pub and at a wedding.The Angry Birds Movie 2 shows some use of substances. Red meets Silver at the speed dating, but they don’t hit it off. It’s mating season and a female bird performs a mating dance for Red. Nosotros te proponemos esta versión online, donde debes conseguir que los Angry Birds echen de sus plataformas a todos los malvados. En la primera semana de lanzamiento ha sido todo un éxito con más de 1 millón de descargas en pocas horas. Chuck and Bomb arrange for Red to go speed dating. Después de muchos experimentos, Rovio se decide a lanzar Angry Birds 2, en formato free-to-play.The Angry Birds Movie 2 has some sexual references. The super weapon explodes on Eagle Island, which starts to collapse.A large eagle guard gets knocked out and loses some teeth.The birds scatter everywhere and the eagles all laugh at their distress. A huge frozen ball lands on Bird Island, destroying a building.Red punches Leonard in the face, then kicks him and ties him up with rope.The pigs drop a load of crabs onto Bird Island.A bouncy castle bursts, throwing baby birds out into the air.The birds and pigs are constantly getting hit, falling down, crashing into objects and so on.The Angry Birds Movie 2 has quite a lot of violence.

In the process Red learns some important lessons. They gather a small band of warriors and, with the intellectual guidance of Chuck’s sister Silver (Rachel Bloom), they devise a plan to destroy the super weapon. Leonard and Red must form a truce and fight together. The ice ball can be shot out of a super weapon and Zeta plans to use it to set both Bird Island and Piggy Island on fire. Eagle Island is a frozen volcano and, with the aid of her eagle soldiers, Zeta invents a frozen ice ball, filled with volcanic lava. Meanwhile Leonard (Bill Hader) and his piggy friends constantly bombard Bird Island with objects.Ī new threat emerges in the form of Zeta (Leslie Jones), an unhinged, psychotic female eagle, intent on destroying both Bird and Piggy Island. Red and his friends Chuck (Josh Gad) and Bomb (Danny McBride) need to protect their island from piggy pranks. Wanting to maintain his hero status, Red (voice of Jason Sudeikis) stirs up the wars between Bird Island and Piggy Island.