Drawdown finance
Drawdown finance


The method controls leverage with regards to the current drawdown. In case of a drawdown, the CPPI will decrease order size faster making almost impossible that the account approach to the maximum drawdown. One of these methods is the Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CCPI), which has the rule of adjust the order size when the strategy has a drawdown. There are other methods to achieve and appropriate risk management and control risk in trading strategies that are more related with strategies based on single or a few assets. This approach takes into account the drawdown distribution which uses the drawdown (magnitude and duration) to define the loss function. In order to develop a more realistic approach of risk management, in the past few years, new measures of risk have been proposed that focus more on the drawdowns and Maximum Drawdowns rather than the volatility or VaR. Unlike the Sharpe Ratio, the Calmar Ratio cannot be scaled to different time horizons, so portfolios that use the Calmar Ratio should have the same backtesting period. The Calmar Ratio is a risk metric that accounts for the Maximum Drawdown of a strategy. The Calmar Ratio is defined as the compounded annualized growth rate divided by the Maximum Drawdown over the same period. The VaR doesn’t reflect the large losses during the history of the financial market.


In the real word, returns have fat tails and serial correlation, and their distribution differs from a normal distribution. Some risk metrics such as the Value at Risk (VaR) of a portfolio assume that the returns of the strategy are independently and normally distributed.


The important property of the Maximum Drawdown is that its value was obtained from a real world financial series and is not originated from a model with some theoretical assumptions as many times happens. The Maximum Drawdown is a good measure for funds and portfolio managers to become aware of the maximum possible loss of a strategy in a certain period. Drawdown in contrast, refers to the decline in value in the next period from a previous local maximum. The Maximum Drawdown is defined as the accumulated loss of buying an asset in their highest point and selling at their lowest point during a period of time. One of the main concepts in analyzing the risk of a strategy is the Maximum Drawdown that the strategy has. On many occasions, investors or traders earn great profits in bull markets but they lose all or almost all their portfolio value when a bear market starts. Within this plan, the risk management of transactions and positions is the most important feature in the long term. Traders and investors should have in their mind an integral plan to execute trades or enter into a new position.

drawdown finance

It is important that any trading plan contains a risk management approach to minimize drawdowns, by the use of stop loss or stop limit orders, as well as avoid days of higher volatility. This field focuses on drawdowns, leverage and volatility.

drawdown finance

Risk and money management are the most important aspect in a trading strategy. Lastly we should have rules to manage the risk of the strategy.

Drawdown finance