To use Marked with MarsEdit, select the “MarsEdit Preview” menu item from within Marked. In fact, I used Marked 2 to see some suggestions for improving the post you’re reading right now. Jeff’s post inspired me to try out Marked 2’s writing and grammar tools, which I had forgotten. So instead of saying something is “very large” it could show you something like “enormous” or “gigantic” making for it to be a much more pleasing thing to read. It reminds me a lot of the Hemingway web-app, showing where you write in passive voice, or when you are using words that have preferred alternatives. It also has an incredible editing system to show you where you can improve on your writing and grammar. Get there by clicking on the Scripts icon near the far right of the BBEdit menu, and choosing “Open Scripts Folder.” For the final step, you need to move this AppleScript to the BBEdit scripts folder.

Set currentURL to ("file://" & currentURL)Ĭompile then save the AppleScript. Set currentURL to POSIX path of appleScriptPath Tell application "BBEdit" to set theFile to file of document 1
Marsedit vs ulysses trial#
Paste the following text into the Script Editor app on your Mac ( warning: I’m no coder, and did this through trial and error based on other scripts, so this script probably contains some completely unnecessary code): on run One such tool I hacked together is an AppleScript to send a post from BBEdit to MarsEdit for final publishing. There’s something pleasurable about tweaking BBEdit to use it as a blogging tool. I recently splurged on BBEdit, the venerable HTML and text editor for the Mac.

Okay, I can never own too many text editors.